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Meaning of matrimonio

Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez Image
Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez


It means nuptials, marriage, marital union. Legal union of a couple by means of a rite.


lidia ines Image
lidia ines

marriage is incorrectly written and it should be written as "Yoke" being its meaning:
Yoke. It is something that unites, and requires two people to go in the same direction, though often not is East of agreement. A tie which does not guarantee happiness or eternal union as they preach it.


Felipe Lorenzo del Río Image
Felipe Lorenzo del Río

According to the new civil code, marriage is lawful, legal and official union of two people to form a family. On the etymology of the word, that is not clear, reference is made to the mother ( mater matris ) but not the father ( pater patris ).


Anonimo Image

It is the EU tenders, LEGAL and official of a man with a woman to establish a family


What is the meaning of matrimonio in the Spanish open dictionary

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