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Meaning of quintana

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QUINTANA: Council of Navarre in Bernedo municipality.


Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez Image
Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez

Surname of Spanish origin . Name of a Spanish town located in the municipality of Bernedo, in the province of Álava. Quintana is the surname in Colombia of several consecrated athletes: Nairo Quintana, an excellent cyclist and Aldair Quintana an Ibaguereño footballer, who plays as a goalkeeper and has belonged to the Colombia National Team.


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Fifth part of a League


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rotating dummy; inquintana: award that got a Knight in a tournament to be the best of all


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In Asturias: Ground situated in front of the House of property par.ticular


What is the meaning of quintana in the Spanish open dictionary

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