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Spanish Open dictionary by Jimeno Álvarez

Jimeno Álvarez

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hiperzuabido is incorrectly written and it should be written as "hipersabido" being its meaning:
hiperzuabido = hipersabidoque is very known in certain temasSi hipersabido is that on the first date we must avoid talk about parents and exparejas...

del verbo valsar

VALSAR is infinitive of verb valsar.VALSAR is an intransitive verb.

sierra de ballesta

bow saw to cut plywood in the handicraft of marquetry

que es un pelicipodo

What a pelicipodo is incorrectly written and should be written as "pelecipodo" as meaning:
pelicipodo = bivalve Pelecipodolos (Bivalvia, bi = two; valvia = shell or plate ) lamellibranch (Lamellibranchia ) or 40 pelecypods;PELECYPODA. ) are a class of the phylum Mollusca with about 13,000 species, generally marine. They have a shell with two valves side, usually symmetrical, connected by a hinge and ligaments. These valves are closed by the action of one or two adductor muscles. they are usually Orange fosforitos or light green even yellow if you want eat them another pezecilloSe them is buried in soft bottoms ( infauna ) as permanent inhabitants of surfaces and free or rigid structures on the epifauna funds. Some species perforate the substrate ( rock or wood ) and some more are commensal or parasitic.

sui geniris

sui geniris = sui Generissui generis is an adverbial phrase from the latin meaning '' its own genus or species '' and is used in English to denote that what applies is a genus or species very singular and exceptional ( unique, unparalleled and unclassifiable ). The term was created by the scholastic philosophy to indicate an idea, an entity, or a reality that can not be included in a broader concept, i.e. that it is unique in its kind.


in Basque Spanish isurialdeaen pending


This state of cuquez comes to refer to that I like to buy and do things that we commonly define as " cucas ". Also force environments and situations, so be it.

de menor valor

It has less value than other

que es estupor

male estupornombre 1. Amazement or exaggerated surprise that prevents a person speak or react. sinonimo:estupefaccion, pasmo 2. Med partial unconsciousness is characterized by a decrease in the activity of the mental and physical functions and responsiveness to stimuli.


Atotonilco, village of the municipality of Jonacatepec, in the State of Morelos

paginas amarillas

In many countries the yellow pages refers to a telephone directory for companies organized according to the type of product or service. As the name suggests, in the majority of cases the appearance, it is a thick book whose pages contain yellow background.The yellow pages can also consist of a database of electronic information containing the name of companies.


parosismo is incorrectly written and it should be written as "paroxysm" being its meaning:
parosismo = paroxismoEn medicine, paroxysm is most acute when a disease or any acute State.


" 34 noviando;: gerund of the verb " noviar ". " noviar " Glossary of slang and idioms of Argentina: ( pop. ) Be boyfriend or girlfriend.

foja util

Foja useful is incorrectly written and should be written as "useful roadmap" being its meaning:
Foja useful = sheet paper letterhead paper sealed notarialhoja utilhoja


INCODA, S.A. is a family company that belongs to the Group of companies GEURCO, S.A., created in 1968 and began his career as a real estate developer in Dos Hermanas, and populations of his around, almost 30 years ago, focussing in particular on the environment of the urbanization La Motilla.


in Basque Spanish eskubideaen right


tonicosimetria is incorrectly written and should be written as "symmetrical tonic" being its meaning:
tonicosimetria = tonic Simetricoreflejo CERVICALEste symmetric TONIC reflex allows the child to defy gravity and the quadrupedal position. It divides the body into two halves. When the head is extended, they also extend the arms and fold legs. When the head is flexed, they bend you arms and legs extend. Children who have not had many opportunities to be on the ground, crawl and crawl, tend to have this reflex present

nombres africanos

of Ninochango (41 Uganda;Che (Cameroun )Cheickh (Senegal )Chenjerai (Zimbabwe )Chi (Cameroun )Chimbetu (Zimbabwe )Chinamano (Zimbabwe )Chinua (Nigeria )Chitepo (Zimbabwe )Coudou (Afrique ) 40 Chakanaka girl;Zimbabwe )Cherima (Zimbabwe )Chimeza (Zimbabwe )I chipo (Zimbabwe )Chiratidzo (Zimbabwe )Codou (Senegal )Jackson (Senegal )Camber (Senegal )Coumba (41 Mali;Coura (Senegal )


nalerroka is incorrectly written, and should be written as "malerreka" being its meaning:
nalerroka = malerrekaAlto Bidasoa or Malerreka is a region and a sub-area ( according to the zoning Navarra 41 20001; of the Foral community of Navarra (Spain ) belonging to the area of Northwest. This region consists of 13 municipalities and is part of the Merindad de Pamplona


The Wechsler Intelligence scale for adults (41 WAIS; ( original in English: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale ) It is a psychometric developed by David Wechsler test. Provides us with four scores (Verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, memory work and speed of processing ) and a fifth that is called Total intellectual coefficient.


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