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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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They are fantastic beings of Celtic and Germanic mythology, consist of air, brothers of the fairies or Sylphs. Do not have feelings or language: communicating by thought and live in deep caves of the forests. It is said that they can live thousands of years and are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the air.

origen de la palabra guata

Understanding by wadding a blanket or sheet of carded cotton and distributed uniformly used quilting of fabric or insulation ( 41 batting gloves; this word comes from the French, " 34 ouate; and this in turn from Arabic wadd " that means cotton sheet. Wadding also has other meanings in Latin America.

que se significa impio

that meant impious is incorrectly written and should be written as "Wicked" being its meaning:
Word of Latin origin: negative prefix in - and pia pium pius: that practice all the virtues, for latinos: " pietas omnium virtutum est 34 fundamentum;: piety is the Foundation of all virtues; It was therefore for the Romans pius not only pious and respectful of the beliefs and customs of the elders, was also fair, honest, loving family, defender of the weak, hospital, compassionate, believer and respectful with the gods...The wicked is irreligious, irreverent, sacrilegious, wicked, evil, harmful, inhuman, anyway, which has no mercy or compassion.


afigie is incorrectly written and it should be written as "effigy" being its meaning:
Word derived from the latin: effigies effigiei: picture, effigy. It is the image or representation, in coins, paintings and sculptures of figures revered in the religious world, characters of political or economic power or characters in the world of culture. There may also be performances infamous or disreputable, even though they are the least.

que es pinice

What pinice is incorrectly written and should be written as "pinice" as meaning:
It is a word not recognized by RAE. However, this word appears in a text of the novel hopscotch of the Argentine Julio Cortázar as part of a special language or jerigonza invented by Cortazar to make their lovers to talk about their sex games in a secret way. In this sexual language of a syntactically correct mix normal words with other invented, but which tend to have a relationship with the facts that is sensed very subtly. Pinice is expressed in this sentence: trembled the troc, the marioplumas and everything is maturing is resolviraba in a deep pinice. I believe that it refers to the sexual relaxation after orgasm. Although it is a long text I'll put it here and each performer: "Just it amalaba him the noema, it crowded him the clemiso and fell in hidromurias, in wild ambonios in exaggerated sustalos. Whenever he sought the incopelusas tools, entangling in a howling grimado and had to face envulsionarse to the novel it, feeling how slowly the arnillas is espejunaban, were apeltronando, reduplimiendo, to run as the trimalciato of ergomanina that are have dropped him a few filulas of cariaconcia. And however was just the beginning, because at one point she is tordulaba the hurgalios, consenting in which he gently exacted their orfelunios. Just be entreplumaban, something like a ulucordio the encrestoriaba, the extrayuxtaba and it paramovía, suddenly was the clinon the matricas convulcante esterfurosa, the jadehollante embocapluvia of the orgumio, the esproemios of the merpasmo in a sobrehumitica agopausa. Evohé! Evohé! Volposados on the crest of the murelio, were balpamar, perlinos and marulos. Trembled the troc, the marioplumas, and all are maturing is resolviraba in a deep pinice, in niolamas argutendidas gauze, in almost cruel carinias to the ordopenaban up to the limit of the 34 gunfias;.

one direccion

English expression meaning: " one-way "


It is the first-person singular imperfect indicative form of the verb future apear that it means dismantling or make someone a cavalry, a car or other means of transport, also down his position or status or their ideas or ideological position. When someone stays in his ideas despite the arguments against all said: " no less than 34 donkey; The verb get also can be reflexive: " get off "


Catalan word which means " supporters "

que es a trompa y talega

Walk " to Horn and talega " and " branch and half blanket " they are two Castilian phrases that mean walking without order or concert and unwillingness and slowness, respectively.


jafiro is incorrectly written, and should be written as "Sapphire" being its meaning:
It is a mineral composed of oxides of aluminum, iron and titanium in bright blue, although there it other colors, whose chemical formula is Al2O3 and hard 9 on the Mohs scale. It is used primarily in jewelry as precious stone. Also it can be artificially manufactured since the beginning of the 20th century.


matomelo is incorrectly written, and should be written as "matomelo" as meaning:
It is an archaic expression of Spanish: the union of the third person singular of the simple past perfect of indicative of the verb kill two enclitic pronouns, " I " that exerts indirect complement and " the " that exerts direct plug-in. In both cases pronouns are unaccented, i.e. have no phonetic accent and form a graphic and phonetic unit with the previous word, making the whole an esdrujula Word.

habeas corpus

They are the first words of the English document of Charter Magna (Magna carte Libertatum ) punished in London June 15, 1215 by King Juan I, John landless, which establishes the need to justify the arrest of a subject. These isolated Latin words mean " 34 body; you have, but for a lawyer make much sense because they mean the claim of a right, the right which assists all detained by the police to be brought before a judge to determine the legitimacy or otherwise of his arrest, when the detainee considers his arrest unlawful or illegitimate.


eliatico is incorrectly written, and should be written as "eleatico" as meaning:
Natural relative to that city, Greek Elaia or Elea. The city of Elea was located in the Magna Greece, to the South of Italy and it was born in the sixth century a. d. C. philosopher Parmenides, creating the Eleatic school who developed a philosophy estaticista, also called philosophy of being against the philosophy of Heraclitus of Ephesus, who started the philosophy of the future. Parmenides has a static conception of the real against the dynamic conception of Heraclitus. In the history of philosophy, this contrast of the thought of the century VI a. d. C. is called " the antinomy Heraclitus Parmenides "


It is a surname from the North of Spain, (Cantabria, Burgos, country Vasco ) whereby we have news documented since the 18th century. It is also a Valley and a village in the municipality of Bareyo in the Comunidad de Cantabria, of about 300 inhabitants, situated a few kilometres from the coast. His name appears in a document of the 11th century.

lipidos sanguineos

blood lipids is incorrectly written, and should be written as "blood lipid" being its meaning:
Lipids, from the Greek lípos lipou: fat, are one of the three main categories of foods, along with 40 proteins; 41 proteins; and carbohydrates. Adequate food lipids should represent between 20% and 30% of the calories consumed, bearing in mind that each gram of fat has 9 calories and that a normal man takes every day about 2,000 calories. Lipids in blood are cholesterol and triglycerides, which can be measured in a blood test. Total cholesterol should not be greater than 200 mg/dl ( milligrams per deciliter of blood ) and acceptable triglycerides is 150 mg/dl or less.


hepilogenico is incorrectly written and should be written as " epirogenetic " being its meaning: 60; /br 62;Word's Greek etymology: epeiros epeirou: land, continent and genos genou: origin, birth: concerning the formation of the continents or epirogenetics. It refers to the movements of rising or sinking of continents compared to the level of the sea. These movements really are revealed after centuries or thousands of years. Evidence of the rising of the continental plate would be a river culminated in a waterfall or that beach places are now 200 meters above the sea level, as it is the case in Scandinavia. On the contrary, a test of sinking are valleys immersed, as the Galician rias.


hepilogenico is incorrectly written, and should be written as "epirogenetic" as meaning:
I want to correct me on the etymology of the word: epirogenetic derived from epeiros epeirou: continent, Earth sign as opposed to sea and genos geneos: origin, birth, training: which causes the continents.


colidiano is incorrectly written, and should be written as "everyday" being its meaning:
Cotidianus - a - um Latin: daily, every day, every day.


progenita is incorrectly written, and should be written as "progenita" as meaning:
Progenita is a word that does not recognize the SAR. If there would be a Latin Etymology: pro: forward and genitum gigno gignis gignere participle: create, generate. It would be " it engenders forward, downline " i.e., the mother: the SAR accepted progenitor


It is an adjective of Greek prakseos praksis practice: action, practice, as opposed to speculative theory or simple contemplation. But the SAR does not support the adjective; Yes the noun. The adjective which admits is practical.


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