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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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"Ematicos " It should be written with hache and accented as esdrujula. Blood, in the singular, is with regard to blood ( in Greek, aima aimatos: blood ). The diphthong " 34 ai; It became " and " and the " 34 hache; it comes from a special rough accent with which was pronounced this word in classical Greek.

tirar dedo

In ready ( northwestern province of Zamora ) the idiom " pull pants " means to defecate


"Heliotropicas " ( you must bring accent by esdrujula Word ) it is feminine, plural of heliotropico, adjective of communality, Word of Greek origin ( helio:sol and tropos: change, turning 41. It is the tendency of plants to move towards the light of the Sun as clearly in the sunflower.

cuando paraliza medio cuerpo de la parte inferior, como se llama

The lower part of the body, limbs, paralysis is called paraplegia or paraplegia. The cause of the injury is in the marrow of the lumbar area. However, the paralysis of the entire body, except the head, is called tetrapejia or quadriplegia. In this case the lesion is located in the neck.

cuales son las primeras palabras de un bebé?

The first words of a baby will always have labial or guttural but never dental consonants because it has no teeth. The innate tendency, according to Chomsky, is making sounds with the throat and lips expelling air: go-go's, ma-ma...

ley del acento final

I guess the final accent law refers to the sharp words, i.e. have the accent on the last syllable. As well, the sharp words are emphasized, i.e. leading tilde, whenever they finish in " 34 n; or " s " vowel or. The monosyllabic not emphasized, unless no confusion with monosyllabic homophones, in which case one Yes is emphasized.For example, if conditional and Yes Yes.


34, Isofona " It is esdrujula Word and therefore it must be accent. It is the feminine adjective, isofono of isofonia, Word's Greek etymology ( isos: equal and fone: 41 sound; which means equal sound. Therefore refers to the words that have the same sound.

enjunto de rostro

The correct expression in Spanish is " " I enjuto face. It means that Quixote, dry, bony, with little meat and stern expression has the type face.


It is a municipality in the province of Potenza in southern Italy of about 1,500 inhabitants


"Grosso " It is a word of Latin dative or ablative case, singular, masculine or neutral meaning fat or thickness. Spanish used as Latinism associated the word mode. "Roughly " It is an adverbial expression that means " roughly " " in general 34, " approximately ".


"Eucharist " It is an incorrect writing of " Eucharist " word created by the primitive Christians from Greek ( eu: good and jaris - itos: grace, don ) with what means " good grace " which receive, according to the Christians, in the mass or ritual representation of Christ's last supper with his disciples, and his subsequent death.


Schizo / or esquizotimico is a type of personality based on the research of the German psychiatrist from the first half of the century XX Krestschmer associated leptosomatico 40 type; type Quixote ) with the esquizotimia and the picnico type 40, type 41 sancho; with cyclothymia. The esquizotimico is high, thin, little sociable, shy, withdrawn, critical and dreamy.


34, eugenefico " It is a bad writing of " eugenics " is relation to eugenics, Word's Greek etymology ( eu: well, good and guignomai: birth, become ) which therefore means " good origin or birth ". Actually it is the set of practices and techniques aimed at improving the life and above all human life in its origin. What happens is that these practices and techniques can be used in the service of all citizens or only to the service of power.

el hijo sabio es alegria para su padre y el negocio es triste para su madre

"Wise son is joy to his father and the business is sad for her mother, " It is a quote from the Proverbs of Solomon of the old testament of the Bible that is poorly transcribed. The correct quotation is " wise son is joy to his father and the foolish son is sad for her mother, " Another translation is: " wise son brings joy to his father, and the foolish son despises her mother " PR 10, 1.


American behaviorist psychological theory (Skinner ) to defend that a prize or reward associated behaviour increases the likelihood that repeat.


Meta-language is any proposition that speaks another language. Propositions ( significant linguistic expressions that can be true or false ) they can be of two kinds: that speak 40 reality; they constitute 41 language; and that speak 40 language; they constitute the metalanguages ). Therefore there are different levels of truth or falsehood: the 0 level language that speaks of the real, which speaks of the level 0 level 1 level 2 level 1 talking and thus to infinity. These studies of philosophers such as Bertrand Russell and Wittgenstein have been very useful in logic and computer science and have solved the apparent contradictions of the language, like the classic liar: Epimenides, a Cretan, said: all Cretans lie always.?? Epimenides lies or tells the truth?.


The paradox is a literary figure who expresses a seeming contradiction that, by logic, the real contradiction is not possible, as it states the principle of contradiction: " nothing can be and not be under the same aspect, " The apparent contradictions stem from the confusion of language, as in the case of the classic liar: "Epimenides, a Cretan said that all Cretans always lie "Considering that Epimenides lies that he tells the truth, there is a seeming contradiction for the fact of not knowing what level of language is the proposition quoted

culo aprietado

In Spanish the correct expression is " be or walk with the prieto ass " which means to be in difficulties.


34, Deliquius " There is neither as Latin word. The closest is " deliquium - ii " that means fainting or Ecstasy and that has resulted in diliquio ( disused ). Our anonymous friend has maybe wanted to refer to " delicious " English word which means delicious, exquisite, pleasant and applies to varieties of apples like " red delicious " or " golden delicious ": delicious red or yellow delicious


Athenagoras, accented, is a relatively frequent Greek proper name derived from "Azenai: Athens and agora: 34 public square; that would therefore mean " 34 Athens square. An important character of the 20th century, so called was Patriarch of Constantinople, i.e. head of the Orthodox Church, which met three times with papa Pablo VI deciding the annulment of the mutual excommunication of both churches in the 11th century


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