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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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Gondomarense. Gentilicio de Gondomar, municipality of Pontevedrés of the Vigo area, founded by some Gothic nobleman named Gundemarus, Latin bajomedieval of the Germanic Gundemar. Here you will find numerous archaeological sites of various eras with dolmens, petroglyphs, necropolis, castros, hermitages, crossings, pazos. . . Also here was filmed the TVE series "Los pazos de Ulloa" by Emilia Pardo Bazán that we talk about so much about for the recovery of the Pazo de Meirás.

miquiño mío

My kitten, my little monkey, mouse, beloved companion, vidiña dulde, my darling, soul friend, my little mouse, friend and companion, dear friend, dear friend, dear dear, my good, silly, baby, ugly sky, my happiness, my darling, my sweet good, my life. Thus and with many other appellate he called in his letters Emilia Pardo Bazán to his beloved Benito Pérez Galdós. In some he said goodbye : Peinetita, who kisses your hair, eyes, mouth and neck a million times. I'm your little rat who loves you. I'm always in love. Goodbye, little mouse. In Cuantique I see you as.

viri probati

Latin expression of Canon Law . Proven men, of exemplary Christian life, who despite being married are ordained priests as in the early Church. Such a situation occurs in some places among Eastern Rite Catholics. Many think that this would be the solution to many Problems of the Church.


Female Austro-Hungarian, concerning Hungary and Austria, United States for defence and foreign relations affairs since the Austro-Hungarian Commitment in 1867 forming the Austro-Hungarian Empire or Austro-Hungarian Monarchy composed of up to 13 current European countries. The union disappeared after World War I. A curiosity for moviegoers is that the mention of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is a constant in the films of our Luis García Berlanga.


Pre-Roman Celtic Cantabrian tribe with centrality in Valdinia, city of uncertain location between the valley of Liébana west of Cantabria, the region of Cangas de Onís de Asturias and the mountain of Riaño northeast of León. In the latter place is where archaeologists have found more Valdiniense burial tombstones with Latin inscriptions, around the Lioness town of Crémenes southwest of the Riaño swamp.


Throw away the weeds. Popular verbal locution. To manifest in an indirect way, to insinuate to someone the love and sexual interest. The origin of the expression, perhaps we have said it ever, is in the game of the weed that in my land they say of the slash. In the past some players instead of throwing the yoy into the frame did so towards the spectator girl of their interest so that they could approach and exchange a word.


Female bianconero, compound adjective, Italian bianco, white and nero, black, colors of the Juventus shirt from Turin; that's why players or fans of this team are told that way


This term has been mocked on social media in Spain since it was used by the rector of the Catholic University of Murcia in mid-June about the pandemic : "The forces of evil want to control us with a chis" (bad chip pronunciation). He then alluded to the vaccine that is being distributed now, with a conspiracy vision typical of the right more stale and carca. According to interpretations, among the forces of evil would be left-wing forces and of course this Bolivarian and phyllo-phyllo-ergean government that defends abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage among many other abominations.


Native, own or relative to the arevaque-Roman city of Uxama Argaela, present-day Burgo de Osma in the province of Soria, mentioned by Pliny the Elder and Ptolemy, meek of the Roman road that joined Caesaraugusta and Asturica Augusta on the so-called North Way on the Douro line


Gentilicio de Mecerreyes, a town in the Arlanza region near Covarrubias, where, according to some, the entourage of the Cid would pass on the way to exile. So he wants to witness a statue of this character of 7 meters at the exit towards Covarrubias.


From French targe. In our post-war Castiles, poor childhood of our memories! it was a wooden cane or square in which the owner of the tavern or food store made notches to point out the legit. The cane or wood was in the hands of the buyer one half and the other in those of the legitator. Then some drank in the tavern on tarja, that is, the legit one, because, as they said, it was a inconvenience to carry many coins in his pocket and the bartender understood it.


King of Thessaly who despised the gods, as the poet Ovid tells us in book VIII of Metamorphosis, lover of waste and banquets. To fix the roof of the banquet hall he decided to cut a sacred holm oak dedicated to Demeter, who disguised as a priestess wanted to dissuade him unsuccessfully, so he ordered Nemesis and Limos (hunger) revenge for this outrage. From then on Erisicton suffered an insatiable hunger. After spending his entire fortune he sold his daughter Mestra several times. Eresicton just ended his torment by eating himself,


From Greek allos, another, different and odyne, pain. In medicine, neuropathic pain whose cause is in a malfunction of the nervous system channels that transmit the stimuli. When in most people these stimuli do not generate painful sensations the cause must be in the nerve network itself. But the ultimate cause is unknown. This abnormal perception of pain is a very serious problem for those with pain.


Own letter of the German alphabet that we don't normally have on our keyboard but that we can achieve by pressing the s with AltGr . It's this one. Equivalent to double ss after long vowel or diptongo. With uppercase, only double ss are used. I think in Switzerland where they also speak French and Italian they have eliminated it. We usually use the double ss instead as on strasse, but the Germans write strasse. They also call it scharfes s, that sharp one.


German musical band released in Munich in 2002. His allusion to the god Fauno seeks the connection with Nature. His synchronous music unifies elements of Nordic and Mediterranean culture with medieval sacred music such as the cantigas of Santa Maria. In their concerts they use different languages from German and Latin to French, Spanish or Galaico-Portuguese with ancient musical instruments

jugar con candela

Americanism. Verbal locution equivalent to our "play with fire", take risks and expose yourself unnecessarily and in a frivolous way to danger. We often say that those who play with fire often end up burning.


The popular language five hundred, a very large amount. Some also say quiticientos, perhaps by influence of Italian or the most common in our Spanish : hundreds .


Rocks of the Teutoburg forest in northwestern Germany, near the Osnabruck triangle, Munster and Bielefeld with magical and nationalistic value. It was probably a Teutonic religious place before Christian monks arrived after Charlemagne's conquest in the 8th century. The monks carved images into the rock bending the tree of Irminsul, the ash of life that brought together heaven and earth. Today it is a tourist spot near the statue of Arminio.


Female character of Basque mythology similar to the classical nymphs and the xanas of the asturleoneses and Cantabrians and to the houses or daigua Catalan gifts, associated with caves, fountains and afterates of crystal clear water where they comb their long hairs with gold combs in the moonlight. Very attractive appearance however they have goat's feet, chicken or duck feet and in coastal areas, as Pío Baroja tells us, with fishtail, like mermaids. Many place names of the northern peninsular geography remind us of these pre-Christian legends.

pata de oca

One of the Viking runes, the rune algiz, symbol of master builders on the way to Santiago, present in places such as Nanclares de Oca, Leciñana de Oca, Villafranca Montes de Oca, the hermitage of the Virgin of the Oca or the valley of Anzó. Pilgrims were guided by the way of the daytime ansars and the milky way at night. This ípsilon-shaped Teuton symbol or our capital Greek Y, also used by the Templars, was in Norse mythology a sign of defense and protection.


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