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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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san andrés de teixido

Village of the Galician ártabra coast halfway between Cedeira and Ortigueira with a shrine dedicated to San Andres companion of evangelizing adventures of Santiago, magical point of the road by the northern route. Teixidó means tejedo, place of yew trees, one of the most beautiful and magical in Galicia, where we can also find the herba de namorar.


Feminine adjective of mnemonic that is the same as mnemonics, that Furoya perfectly defined in a previous entry with its technical, Greek etymology of the memory. These useful tricks are usually based on associations which do not want to forget with some such more familiar thing by its form, its Phonetics or any other relationship or build maps or funny phrases. When studying the tragic Greek classics I remember we used to repeat: "Euripides not me Sofoques than you Aeschylus".

que es sapientisimo

HO: Certain demands of meaning us puzzle, at least to me. I guess it is people who are learning our language. This term is the superlative of wise, i.e., wise, learned, scholarly, understood, knowledgeable, trained. Derived from the present participle sapiens sapientis from the Latin verb sapio, learn, understand, have intelligence and also have flavor.


. From the Greek hypo, low, below and sphatto or sphadso, slaughter, bloodshed. In ophthalmology, bleeding under the eye conjunctiva, apparently serious single eyepiece spill by its visibility in the white of the eye because of a capillary break.


Also Colchis, Colca, Colquis, or Kolquis. In Greek mythology, fate of Jason and the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece. It was the Kingdom of Aeëtes and his Sorceress daughter Medea to the North of Turkey along the Black Sea and the Caucasus Mountains, in what is now the Republic of Georgia. In all likelihood in antiquity was a region of shepherds with a thriving wool trade.


PLA: acronym used in 3D printing. Lactic polylactic or polylactic acid, biodegradable polymer already used as a filament which melts at 200 ° in homemade 3-d prints to create different objects of all kinds. This thermoplastic is obtained from the polymerization of lactic acid in the fermentation of plant sugars from corn, cassava or sugarcane.


In my perfectly alistana land is thus called a singing bird, perhaps as an onomatopoeia of his song. It is the Chaffinch (fringuilla coelebs) of reddish brown plumage with dark wings and white bands.


Very frequent in Spain of Italian origin surname. So he called a Spanish general who took part in the Carlist Wars of the nineteenth century in the Elizabethan camp or cristino, José Arrando Ballester, whom the city of Madrid dedicated shortly after death a street in the neighborhood of Chamberí.


Thin person of Constitution weak and enclenque.


Canarian shepherds tool used in the Canary Islands leap or jumping of pastor especially in the islands of Tenerife and La Gomera. Also call it spear, spear, great Pampa-Finch or garrote. It's a stick just over two meters tipped metal riveting in the rugged terrain to descend quickly and softness


Greek ge ges, Earth and taxeos, placement, layout, ordering taxis. Oriented movement of an organism or part of it in relation to terrestrial gravity. It also said geotaxis, geotaxismo, geotactismo, gravitaxismo, geotropism, gravitropism. . . The response to the stimulus of gravity can be negative, or positive, please (the root of a plant growth) against gravity (growth of the stem). There are many other taxias, such as phototaxis, termotaxia, anemotaxia, hidrotaxia


Searching in our dictionary I've found the antique headboard that our champion Fede gives several meanings as the package of chopped tobacco with which my uncle Thomas liaba your cigarettes. Mi tierra de Aliste is also a large hinged window in the top half of the ancient doors of dwellings, which were often of oak or negrillo, as also says Fede of Salamanca. Lands of la Alcarria in Guadalajara is told thus also before a piece of meat of more than one hundred grams, a quarter of a pound, to make chickpea stew.


In Madrid, taxi of drug-fueled transports for 4 or 5 euros to a group of junkies to the slums of la Canada Real. The phenomenon began around the year 2000 and the starting point has usually been the Glorieta de Embajadores. The neighborhood and police pressure has made the start of the journey now more dispersed and best-looking cars

de bóbilis,bóbilis

Modal adverbial expression that means free of charge, without effort, fortuitously, bucket. Their parallel worship of vobis, vobis also uses Cervantes in Don Quixote. In the cap. 30 the 1st part Sancho encourages his master: "marry, marry later and take that Kingdom that it comes into the hands of vobis, vobis". This expression originated in the feudal regime in the custom of the clergy and the nobility to say "vobis, vobis" (for you) when they gave alms to the poor as if they were their saviors.

isquemia cerebral

Latin ischaemia and East of the Greek ischaimos, de ischo, secure, retain, prevent and haimatos haima, blood, stagnation of blood in the circulatory system, in this case in the brain. The causes of partial or total blockade can be manifold, an embolism or its opposite the closed vessel or artery by the accumulation of fat, a spasm. The lack of irrigation in some organ is a very serious problem that can cause death if untreated in time.


From the Greek akares, short, small, tiny. Fear of mites or insect bites. Insects of our natural environment as wasps, mosquitoes or horseflies are relatively preventable, not so mites, our tenants by millions, but we can take some measures against them such as daily ventilation of the rooms, wash often linens, plush dolls, rugs, tapestries or prevent domestic animals. An acaricide proper is the tannic acid.

distintiva de popper

Karl Popper was a brilliant philosopher British 20th century, born in Vienna and close to the Vienna Circle Neopositivism, focused on the philosophy of language whose distinctive methodology is the Falsacionismo. Philosophy must delimit clearly the field of science that is different from the philosophy and other knowledge because it supports only falsables claims, i.e. those that can be to an experiment that shows us that they may be false. This is the criterion of demarcation of scientific propositions and which are not. Thus, for example, is not scientific proposition: "God exists", because we can not prove that it is false.

con 100 cañones por banda

So begins the song of the pirate of our romantic Extremadura poet José de Espronceda, poetry which, in our childhood, we learned of memory and mediate with joy: "with ten cannons by band / wind aft under full sail, / does not cut the sea, but flies, / a vel" "ero Brig: / pirate ship they call / by their bravery the feared, / in all known sea / from one to the other ends"

las sinsombrero

A group of Spanish women belonging to the generation of 27 that stood out above all in the field of art and literature as a vanguard feminist movements and suffragists of the Spain of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and the second Republic. The intellectual and artistic importance and the emancipatory struggle of these women not has been sufficiently recognized in our history the dictatorship or democracy. Fighting sinsombrero were Maruja Mallo, María Zambrano, Rosa Chacel, Margarita Manso, María Teresa León and many others that we must begin to recognize.

las sinsombrero

A group of Spanish women belonging to the generation of 27 that stood out above all in the field of art and literature as a vanguard feminist movements and suffragists of the Spain of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and the second Republic. The intellectual and artistic importance and the emancipatory struggle of these women not has been sufficiently recognized in our history the dictatorship or democracy. Fighting sinsombrero were Maruja Mallo, María Zambrano, Rosa Chacel, Margarita Manso, María Teresa León and many others that we must begin to recognize.


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