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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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nicotiana benthamiana

Solanacea plant, sister of tobacco, native to Australia, described by 19th-century English botanist George Bentham. It withstands the drought well and has no immune system. Scientists have been used for some time as a patient subject in their research to create vaccines. It has been used against the Ebola virus and is now being used against coronavirus. The NEWCOTIANA project coordinated by Diego Orzáez of CSIC with researchers from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the Australian Technology of Queensland have deciphered their genome and continue to research with other scientists around the world.

toma, jeroma, pastillas de goma

This is one of the many varied expressions that appeared in the Madrid movement of the 80-90s that serve more to the expressive form or the context than to its own meaning. It was used in situations where the speaker rejoiced in the consequence or punishment deserved as in this other : Well you like Herod. In almost all the rhyme was given in consonant as in these : hallucinations, neighbor; chachi piruli; Paraguay' cool; you screwed up, Burt Lancaster; you don't find out, Contreras; plasty's nasty; efectivi wonder . . . .

roña del olivo

Also called olive tuberculosis. It is a series of excrements or warts that appear in the bark of the branches, produced by the bacterium Pseudomonas Savastanoi that penetrates through the wounds. Of this disease already spoke the philosopher Theofrasto, successor of Aristotle in the peripatetic school, in his Peri physikon historion (History of Plants).

dimas y gestas

They are the names that the apocryphal Gospels attribute to the good and evil thief respectively who were crucified with Christ in Golgotha, as all evangelists tell us, except Mark, although they do not give them names. The most explicit in this matter is Luke whose text is spoken of a good one who repented, located on his right and another bad on the left.


A political-religious movement initiated around year 6 against the census decreed by Rome in Palestine. They were doctrinally integristic, but above all they were violent nationalists who wanted to drive the Romans out of their territory. Of course they were armed and considered terrorists by the Romans. They triggered the Jerusalem rebellion that ended its destruction in the year 70. The survivors took refuge in the fortress of Masada which also fell in the year 76 after the suicide of all.

árbol de porfirio

Decotomic classification diagram of the types of substance produced by the neoplatonic philosopher Porfirio of the school of Rome of the third century in the Isagoge or Introduction to the categories of Aristotle . The shape of a tree was given to renaissance philosophers. It is a descending dichotomous classification from the universal to the particular by reseating a tree with branches to the right and left. The substance may be corporeal or disembodied; the body can be animated (living) or inanimate; the living can be sensitive (animal) or insensitive; the animal can be rational (being human) or irrational; one of the humans is Plato and another Aristotle.

costar dios y ayuda

Verbal locution in which the enormous difficulties that have been had or have to achieve some goal are expressed by even needing, according to the popular feeling, the help of God. Some, almost always from the spectrum on the right, say now that it will cost us God and help us get out of this coronavirera crisis. Yes, yes , but not to go back to the previous situation. Neoliberal capitalism is over. Health, education, work, wealth and well-being minimum to live in is a heritage of all. No one has the right to have exclusive wealth and well-being.

parecerse como un huevo a una castaña

Verbal locution that expresses the dismemberment between things or people, that is, they are not in any or almost nothing. They have no similar or similar relationship.

alabí, alabá, alabín-bon-ba

Sports song of football fans who before this quarantine coronavirto used to be heard in stadiums to cheer on the players of the team. The fact is that it sounds like Arabism and, according to Federico Corriente, academic for two years, it is. It would be the phonetic imitation of Andalusian Arabic allaibin ayya báad allaib bon bad : players, encouragement, we go well. Current, in his entrance speech in the SAR, proposed research of many unknown Arabisms, such as puppeteer, nana, water goes, that if you want Catalina rice, matarile, alirón, jodo bagase, birlibirloque , sucker and many others. According to our Arabist these voices would have been introduced into our language by bilingual Moors or only Arabophones at first.


Following the line that marks some of the companions wanted to highlight the meaning of lullaby, song that we sing (especially mothers) to young children to fall asleep. According to Federico Corriente, a Granada Arabist who has been occupying the armchair of Ana María Matute since 2018, it is an Arabism introduced by the Andalusians integrated into Christian communities after the reconquest. Derived from the Andalusian formula : nám , nám , nam-inta : sleeps , sleeps , sleep you.


Natural substance of the terpenes group, typical of citrus, which gives its characteristic smell to oranges and lemons, used as flavoring and biodegradable solvent. It can also be used as an organic insecticide by cooking for five or ten minutes the orange and lemon peels in one liter of water that is mixed with another liter and to sprinkle with spray on the plants with aphid.

el lamento de dido

Beautiful aria of the opera Dido and Aeneas by Henry Purcell, English composer of the Baroque. A beauty! Recreate a scene from Virgil's Aeneid in which Aeneas leaves Carthage and his desperately desperate beloved commits suicide. This was how Virgil justified the historical enmity between Rome and Carthage.

i. e.

Abbreviation of id est . Latinism rather written and uncommon, used especially in academic texts. That is, that is, what is the same, said otherwise. Used to clarify the meaning of a previous equivalent expression.


From dodeka ( dyo-deka), twelve and nesos, island. Archipiélado of twelve islands located on the southwestern coasts of Turkey, whose capital is Rhodes. The quietest for consumer lovers is Astipalea. Beautiful reminiscences of our Mediterranean history.

diágoras de rodas

Greek athlete from the 5th century to . D. C. Champion of pugilato in the 4 Greek Olympic games, nemeos, istymians and pítics. The poet Píndaro dedicated the seventh Olympics and in Olympia a statue was erected in his memory, the work of the sculptor Calicles. The current rhodiola named after their international airport in their honor.


Olympic truce in Greek. All Greek cops who would like to participate in the Olympic Games had to accept a sacred truce during their celebration. Otherwise their athletes would be expelled. The year 864 to . D. C. they agreed on this truce, The Eyes of Eloid, Licurgo for Sparta and Cleóstenes by Pisa, a truce that guaranteed the safety of all pilgrims and athletes who came to Olympia. The text of the ekekeiría prayed thus : Olympia is a sacred place; who dares to step on this floor with armed soldiers, will be considered sacrilegious. . .


It is an anti-covid-19 drug, created by the nuria Monserrat team of the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia in collaboration with other Swedish, Austrian and Canadian scientists. I think it consists of the genetic alteration of the ACE2 protein that the coronavirus uses to enter the cells, that is, they would spoil the lock whose key uses the crown. I believe that scientists use CRISPR techniques (grouped and regularly interspaced short palindromic clusters) to alter the DNA sequences of the ACE2 protein.


From Greek gymnos, naked and paideia, education, exercise with children, correction, punishment, childhood. Spartan summer festivities in honor of the soldiers killed in Tirea in the battle of the 300s in which only Otríadas survived, parties in which naked children danced to exhaust. They are remembered by the Early 20th century French composer Erik Satie in his Gymnopédies.


From Greek petal, leaf, petal, tree, foil. Ostracism practiced in the city of Syracuse in the middle of the 5th century BC. D. C. against the most powerful who wanted to impose a tyranny. The name of the ejector was written on an olive leaf ( petal) instead of in the ostrakon, the tile piece or the shell.


From Greek steganos, hidden, covered, closed, opaque and graph, writing, written document. The science and the art of hiding information that has now evolved a lot with computers. Hidden messages always go on a carrier who could be a slave in classical Greece with letters printed on his head, a letter or a bit. They also have a code that needs to be decrypted. The codes of Julius Caesar in classical Rome altered the order of letters.


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