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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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Amygdalin, nitrilosida, natural chemical compound ( there is also another semi-synthetic ) present in the seeds of fruits such as peach, apricot, Apple, watermelon and especially bitter almonds. They have also named it vitamin 17, although strictly it is not. It is a Glycoside containing glucose, benzaldehyde, and cyanide, which was in the middle of the last century that it could be a remedy against cancer, that the subsequent investigation has denied.

estar pedo

Be piripi, be drunk, have a good melopea, achispar is, be peneque, get drunk, be as a cuba, bring a good pissed, carry a good chopping, go bolinga, carry a good peach or a good puntazo, be an abrazafarolas, go giving lurches...

sonrisa vertical

External female sexual organ that receives plenty of names, whose lips, according to some poets, outlines a vertical smile. The publishing Tusquets has used this name for called a collection literary erotic from 1977 promoted especially by the filmmaker Spanish Luis Garcia Berlanga and whose first prize was awarded to Camilo José Cela by the unusual and glorious feat of the cipote of Archidona. The contest that left be convened a few years from 2004, seems that it has become.

el motin de la trucha

Episode of social revolt occurred in the city of Zamora in 1158 by cause of a trout and promoted by the emerging bourgeoisie developed around the camino de Santiago. A shoemaker or perhaps the son of Pedro the pellitero had bought the last trout of the market; then claims it a noble servant invoking the preference of purchase of a so-called noble privilege. That Yes, that does not, to the end is it led the Shoemaker and here is armed it breaks loose. The nobles met in the Church of Santa Maria to decide the punishment of this daring. The rioters closed the doors and set it on fire. All died. Still exists in Zamora Santa Maria it new, a church Romanesque precious, next to the street of the mutiny of the trout and close of the square more.


In Castilian old pellejero, botero, that works with skins of animals and makes skins, skins, boots of came, saddles or other enseres. From the latin pellis pellis, skin, leather


It is said of a very large group of bacteria of different genera and species have common biochemical characteristics and likeness with the Escherichia coli, discovered in 1860 by the German bacteriologist Theodor von Escherich called it bacterium coli, bacteria of the intestine. The presence of these bacteria in the water is an indicator of contamination which is often solved with chlorine.


Pregorexia: disorder food of some pregnant that have fear obsessive to fatten, that does not accept them changes own of the pregnancy by what do much exercise physical. It is the same situation of anorexia but in pregnancy. You need psychiatric or psychological treatment because of no-action, there will be problems for the fetus.

cisne negro

Theory of events that the unexpected events of great magnitude in human history have a dominant impact on the expected but also are of great importance. Nassim Taleb, researcher and American economist, born in Lebanon in 1960 in the Black Swan discusses the impact of the highly improbable, also defending the idea that knowledge of the past does not allow us to predict the future. Examples of Black Swan events are internet or the destruction of the twin towers. Overstated them analysis rational of the causality, when the greater part of the times not is more than chance and also in economy. That the brainy financial note.

diccionario abierto sugnificado de la palabra lerida

Lleida is the only Catalan province which has no coast, but does have mountains, the Pyrenees. The city that currently has some 140,000 inhabitants was founded in the century saw to. d. C. by the ilergetes, a people Iberian, and it called Iltirta. Romanized finally was Ilerda; for the Visigoths Lerita; for those Arab Larida; reconquered in the 12th century was Leyda and finally in Spanish Lérida and in catalan Lleida. For the ilergetes Iltirda probably meant city fortress as she was built on the rock Queen, one of the three high terraces of the old city. For Julian Aydillo San Martin ( Towns and surnames of Spain: 41 etymological dictionary; means " on the hollow ".

se le quema el arroz

In Spain we say that it Miss rice who by age is losing options to meet your wishes, as married. It is above all in the case of women


Italian surname derived from the latin dexter dextra dextrum, right-handed, right, Pro

hasta las cartolas

The dictionary includes the term cartola and defines it as the side of the box of a truck. Derived from the Basque kartolak designating a statuettes or old chair with backrest side. The activity reports or the sideboards, the costanas to the asturleoneses, are the sides of assembled wood farm trucks to transport all kinds of goods; also from trucks or old trucks with wooden box. Be up to the activity reports is to be fed up, full, to burst above all of food and beverage or other objects of pleasure.

tiqui taca

Gameplay in football that put Cruiff and Guardiola on the Barcelona fashion and also the selection Spanish years ago consisting of the mobility of the ball so that retained it any player they passed it to the first touch a teammate in triangle with what dizzy to the opponents who could not be with her.


This seudoteoria of the 19th century that well define my colleagues lost force after the publication of the Encyclical of Leo XIII's Providentissimus Deus which is argued that conflict between science and the Bible there is no because its authors did not intend to give scientific lessons but to give religious messages using the cultural imagery of the moment. For example, in the Genesis is conveys the idea of that Dios created the reality; them details as Dios separated the waters, which were over and which were under the firmament, are images cultural of the time.


Owning, and not poseyeando, is the simple verb gerund own or what it is have some property, dispose of or count on it as a means to an end, exploit, acquire, enjoy and perform sexual intercourse with a woman, although this last meaning have sexist connotations.


Last madness of botox users: injected into the scrotum for reducing wrinkles and increasing the size. They say that with little success and the withdrawal of a month and a half. As said the Gypsy: there are people pa too.


Term that is used in some countries of Latin America with the meaning of lies, words empty or little credible or vanalidades. I believe that this term comes not from Basque, but vacuum, by linguistic distortion, because the Basques as a rule are noble people and do not lie, although in some cases they are somewhat exaggerated and gross, like Bilbao, who say that they are the navel of the world, but we all know that they are Bilbao.


Personal pronoun of second person plural that can exert direct or indirect complement according to the context. " Os ( CI ) I texted "


Also - ina, diminutive in bable and Galician suffixes. " The rapaciña was poor and could not go to school ". " In the fontaninas there is plenty of shade and it is a very nice spot ".


Also say chipiturco. Is a garment of coat of wool that carry those men in Mexico


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