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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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Best garuando: simple gerund of the verb garuar, derived from the Portuguese carujar and this from the late latin calugo, which in turn derived from caligo caligas caligare overshadow it, be covered in darkness or fog, obfuscate it. Garuar means drizzle, sparkling, chispitar, melujar say in Aliste, chuvinelar Sanabria, orpinar in Asturias, bernizar in el Bierzo, in chuvichuvear and aguarrinar in Cantabria, raining gently and pesistente, aneblar, orbayar, cover of fog, fall into a soft calabobos or a menudo Chillwind or a fine chirimiri, falling mist spray. In Latin America also used garubiar and garugar and perhaps any other Variant.

hassan ll

Hassan ll is incorrectly written, and should be written as "Hassan II" to be its meaning:
Al - Hasan ibn Muhammad was King of Morocco from 1961 until 1999 to govern the country in an absolutist way, and with a fierce crackdown. In his reign there were several coups that repressed violently creating a halo of God's chosen because he had the title of Prince of believers among others. On October 29, 1965 the Moroccan democratic leader Mehdi Ben boat disappeared in a Parisian restaurant and since then has failed to be nothing of it. Was succeeded by his son Mohamed VI, who seems to want to move towards democracy.

aquende y allende

Prepositions and adverbs of place of medieval Castilian meaning respectively more here's and more than. Between the 13th century and the 15th appear correlated, then aquende practically disappears while remaining allende even so far, even though used almost only in the literary fields, having cronificado as surname and name of various populations. We remember our admired Salvador Allende. Its etymology is debated, but it seems that they come from Latin expressions to ( (d) ) hinc inde and ( (d) ) illic inde that we might translate respectively as from there to here and there to beyond.


Municipality of Guadalajara ( Spain ) in the community of Castilla - La Mancha, demographically come less after the closure of its mines of silver at the beginning of the 20th century. It now has more than 100 inhabitants. It is located at the foot of the Sierra de Alto Rey in the Central system next to the Bornova in the hydrographic basin of the Tagus River. Created in the middle ages, in century XIII was called Lluen del Encina, Allende Laencina in the 16th century and the 19th in the oak ( apart from the oak ).

conciencia fonologica

awareness fonologica is incorrectly written and should be written as "phonological awareness" being its meaning:
Educational process of child language acquisition understanding sounds ( 41 phonemes; correspond with graphic signs ( 41 graphemes; and that to join them we are words that have a specific meaning and learning to read and write. This ability is not innate, although we have some predisposition to their learning.

inicio educativo

The education begins in the family, where we have to instill in our children, since they are born, which have to respect others, which must not be violent, that should be responsible and solidarity, not to lie or steal, nor be manipulated. With this budget the work of teachers is sing.


Pazote: Plant herbaceous medicinal and aromatic, the family of the quenopodiáceas, coming from Mexico, where brought it the Spanish and that they already knew and used the Aztecs, they also called epazotl in nahuatl. Now also known as epazote, paico, ambrosia of Mexico, pasotle, ezapote, tea from New Spain, tea of Mexico, tea edge ants, grass of the lepers, huacatay, mocho, pazoli, pizate ( chenopodium ambrosioides ). It is vermifuge and stomach. In Mexico it is used as something similar to cilantro sour condiment.

que significa este signo $ en dinero

This is the international symbol of the US dollar and this one, the euro. These symbols are placed behind a figure to know which currency it is.


Catalan term that means chubby, plump, fat person of stature like Sancho Panza


Terrorist Islamic fanatic and cruel created at the beginning of the 21st century as a branch of Al - Qaeda and in response to the invasion of Iraq who planned 40 Western countries; trio Azorean ) and they carried out directed by USA in 2003. It has then been used by the Western intelligence against the Syrian regime, but has left them frog as ancient also was Al Qaeda after the war in Afghanistan. It changed name on more than 10 occasions ( ISIS, ISIL, DAISH, TURKISCH... ) Turkisch or Daish is the acronym for al - Dawla Al - Islamiya fi al - Iraq wa al - Sham. ( Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ) forbidden because it gives rise to a play on words in Arabic that is insulting. Those who dare to speak TURKISCH or DAISH may lose the language.


Adjective derived from the Latin word veritas veritatis ( 41 truth; that it does not recognize the Academy. However in propositional logic if used as a synonym for Verifier or that allows us to know the truth or falsity of a propositional formula or compound or molecular proposition. Thus speaks of veritativas functions, i.e., the propositional connective tissue that connect propositions simple or compound; they are these: denier, Jack, circuit breaker, implicador and biimplicador. All these functions veritativas are reducible to the denier and the Jack, i.e. in propositional logic everything is " no " " and " For example, the conditional proposition: if it rains, the street becomes wet, can express this in other words: cannot be true that the street does not get wet and rain.


magnitude is incorrectly written, and should be written as "magnitudine" being its meaning:
Magnitudine: Feminine singular ablative of magnitudo magnitudinis, Word Latin what magnitude, size, dimension, greatness, importance, power, measured cuantificadora. Word italina which means the same as the Latin


Herbaceous plant considered by growers weed, although in some places is used as medicinal. Scientifically Chenopodium album. Chenopodium means goose foot in Greek: ken kenos ( 41 goose; and pous, podos ( 41 foot;. Spain has more than 80 popular names such as dusky haze, edge orache, barking cabbage, pestoso damn, burriqueso, cenilgo, chamarisco, cinublo, jenijo, ragwort, meldrasco, pispajaro, wild quinoa, mala yerba, zeniciello

quid pro quo en español

In medieval latin also quiproquo. ( Something rather than another something. Latinism which originally meant a grammatical mistake in taking the interrogativo-indefinido pronoun 40 quid; nominative or accusative singular neutral ) instead of quo ( the same pronoun in the singular ablative case ). This grammatical error eventually became misconception that blended a thing or person with another similar. At the latino theatre was a dramatic appeal to create humor and conflict situations to confuse one character with another as in the host of Plautus, in which mercury is passed through lookalike, servant of general host.


Arabic term appearing 41 times in the Quran and can translate as effort and struggle. But from here arise interpretations and disagreements between Islamic groups. Let us remember that Islam as all religions have a separator between Sunni and Shi'a schism, schism that you emerged a few years died the Prophet. For some, this effort is the self-reliance of living according to the law divine, including others, the obligation to expand the Islamic religion as the only true. Others regard it as the holy war in which there is no tolerance with unbelievers, i.e. non-Muslims, so that those who do not want to become don't deserve to live. These are fundamentalists, fundamentalists and fanatics of the Muslim religion, which we have quite a few negative experiences in the West.


Farraspa: Elaborating on what he says Juan Antonio de la Red in the area perfectly, Palencia and Valladolid on espundia, the alistanos, in the Northwest of the province of Zamora, when it starts to snow, called farraspas to the snowflakes, small and few, but cold, giving people face because they fall at certain angle due to the wind.


Acronym for the self-styled Islamic State, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Islamic terrorist group, fundamentalist, jihadist and Wahhabi, self-styled Caliphate and seated in a vast territory of Iraq and Syria. It has not been recognized by any other State. It has had many other names, but Western governments recommend phoning TURKISCH for its offensive for jihadists significant connotations, because this sound in Arabic is unlike other meaning what is crushed or trampled underfoot.


Word in latin, pax, pacis, which means peace, tranquility, calm, consent, silence. If we add any adjacent are some Latinism as pax romana, pax Hispanic... so we designate certain periods of history in which a State exercises hegemonic power over others causing an apparent social and political tranquility more based on the strength of power than in justice as it did at the time of the Emperor Augustus. Pax is also the international abbreviation for passenger in the tourism industry, the name of a Greek goddess, an asteroid of any city, of any surname

que es transgenico

Whereas transgenic is incorrectly written, and should be written as "transgenic" being its meaning:
Term of Greco-Roman mixed etymology, TRANS, prefix Latin which means on, from one side to another and genos geneos, origin, gender, a term coined by scientists at Yale University, Jon Gordon and Frank Ruddle, who in 1981 incorporated characteristics of rabbits in the genes of mice. Therefore it is be live mutated genes of the chromosomes, entering them parts of DNA that are other living being, with some purpose, how to remove any genetic disease, provide the new be some feature that didn't, such as resistance to drought or pests, hardness of your skin, etc.. This research is directed primarily to food production and the abolition of hereditary, being a controversial issue especially in the first case diseases.


Group of edible plants until 1998 considered the quenopodiáceas family, now a subfamily of amaranth, the discretion classifier APG ( Angiosperm Philogeny 41 Group; revised scientists in 2003 and 2009. The best-known huauzontles are grown in Mexico and the Andean region: chenopodium bonus-henricus ( introduced in Europe ) chenopodium berlandieri ( 41 Mexico; chenopodium quinoa, quinoa, quiwicha, qanawa, juira, linquinique, chichiconwa ( Bolivia, Peru ) all of great nutritional value because they contain vegetable protein, omega 3, vitamins, mineral elements... They have facility to hybridize with the chenopodium album, forage grass in Spain, called on ready chirincho or ash that really like the rabbits. The Aztecs and the incas grew the huauzontle already before the conquest.


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