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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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In ready, my land and in almost all the peoples of Spain was from the age mean a female garment, a sort of rectangular bag with an opening at the top, tied at the waist in the back, which women wore under the apron. I used to have colorful decorations. Here women wore necessary things like an alfilitero with needles, thread, a handkerchief, a thimble, keys, pins... My overland used to say: a woman without pouch just like a man without a knife is not someone in Florida.

don sin din, cojones en latin

Don sin din, cojones en latín: También don sin din, campana sin badajo. Refrán atribuído a Quevedo con el que se indica la poca relevancia de la fama, el honor, la honra, la buena posición, el nombre, las alabanzas o los premios si no se tiene ni se recibe un duro. Hoy se lo he oído decir en televisión a una pensionista, creo madrileña, de 91 años con una lucidez mental que ya la quisiéramos muchos para nosotros. Criticaba el sistema de la seguridad social nuestra que permite que las mujeres que trabajan cuidando a sus hijos o haciendo el trabajo de la casa no tengan ningún reconocimiento económico cuando se jubilan porque no han cotizado a la SS.


Gua: Game of marbles to children which played in the years 50 and 60. The objective was to make fence or put the own marble in a small hole in the ground in competition with all the other players to finally seize their marbles that could be ceramic, glass, metal, wood or the buyacas of the Oaks. Rules varied somewhat of a few places to others.


Latin term, also legally used. It means foreign, strange, foreign, alien to the family, tribe, nation or any Integrator group. Legally it tends to appoint those who participate indirectly and distance in the Commission of an act.

etimología de amigo

Although this may seem like a truism, friend derives, as says Danilo Enrique companion, amicus - i, Latin noun whose deaf consonant is large on their way to the Spanish, the same thing happened in formica, Ant or ficus, fig. Also amicus derives from the lexeme am - master - as - are, love, love and the suffix adjetivante and sustantivante - icus. The meaning is obvious, as also the partner says.


Dialectically: adverb as all the finished in - mind, in a dialectical way, which may mean in a way dialogue or confronting contrary views. Dialectic in Greek is dialektos, ( day, through and lektos, past participle of lego, tell, announce, pick ) almost the same as dialogues. Modern philosophy, particularly from Hegel and Marx, has accentuated the meaning of struggle of opposites both in terms of thinking ( the dialectic as method of analysis ) as in the 40 reality; the dialectic as a constituent of the real ).

que significa antropogonicos

Antropogonicos: Adjective masculine plural of antropogonia, from the Greek anthropos, man and gignomai, birth. As regards the set of myths and legends about the origins of mankind. Almost all of these myths are related to pottery, Sumerian myths, the Greeks and the Jews of the old testament. Still some fanatical Christians continue to believe that Adam and Eve were our first parents created by God from the clay of the Earth as did the old potters.


Goldfinch: Carduelis carduelis; 40 Cardelina ) very common bird in Spain of the family of the finches also bred in captivity by its cheerful song and their beautiful plumage of colors yellow, red, white, and black in contrasting stripes. It feeds on insects and seeds especially those of thistles.


Teotocopuli: Teotocopulos 40 Italianization; son of the madre de Dios ) last name Greek Greek Doménikos Theotokópoulos, painter icon of Western, Cretan culture, Venetian, Roman, and the soul of Toledo from the 16th century, creator of the eyes more beautiful in the plundering and the burial of the count of Orgaz...

cocina demoscopica

Demoscopica cuisine: interested manipulation of all enterprises engaged in alleged market research and opinion surveys. All these institutions even the officers, who tend to be at the service of the Government of the day, are at the service of power structures, normally those who charge the study whose objective is both to reveal the State of opinion but above all influence her interest, because many citizens make up their opinion according to the guidelines that give these chefs.


Medical term derived from the Greek hypo under, low level of and prosecho, care, direct the spirit; obsessive care consisting of their fluctuating excessive focus on objects without the possibility of making an objective selection. It occurs in situations of mental disorders such as delirium, anxiety, depression, hypochondria, taquipsiquia, States of schizophrenia and other mental impairments.

buen pan

Today there is lots of bread that we throw away almost the third part; in Spain more than 600 million pounds a year. Some advise us to reuse it by garlic, or milk soups or grinding it to coat other products. The business of bread ( the business with the necessary nutrients should not be allowed, everyone should be able to have enough to live by the mere fact of being born because nobody we see to come to the world ) bread business is based on the speed and increase production, the antithesis of good bread which should be done calmly and lovingly how our mothers and grandmothers, keeping the dough in fermentation the night did.


Antarctica: from the Greek antartikos, austral, contrary to the Arctic and East of an ( ) without and arktos bear continent without bears, the southernmost land, which includes the South Pole, the cold, dry and windy of all, with temperatures below-60 °. In this continent permanently live some thousands of people in research stations.


Prefix of Greek origin derived from tachys tacheia tachy, quick, fast, with which we form words as shorthand, taquimetria, taquimeca, tachycardia, tachypnea...

buen pan

Today there is lots of bread that we throw away almost the third part, in Spain more than 600 million pounds a year. Some advise us to reuse it by garlic, or milk soups or grinding it to coat other products. The business of bread ( there should be no business with basic foodstuffs such as bread and milk, and some add wine ) It is based on the speed and the quantity produced, i.e., the antithesis of good bread which should be done with care and without haste, with water, wheat flour, a little salt and slow fermentation with yeast, now it is called sourdough as if they were to discover the Mediterranean. Our grandmothers and mothers of the villages of Castile and other parts of Spain let the dough ferment overnight to bake bread the next day. Before you start to make the loaves, my mother cut a piece of dough about 200 grams, which was wrapped in a cloth of linen in a clay pot. It was the hurmiento, the yeast that another person would use the next day.


Feminine proper name, in Russian nadiezhda, hope. Nadiezhda Krúpskaya was the spouse of the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Ilich Ulianov, Lenin.


Hispanicization of sforzato, past participle of the Italian verb sforzare, tighten, compel, constrain, force, coerce, compel. In music is also called sforzando ( sf or sfz or fz: subito forte ) one of the annotations of the score to indicate the nuance of sudden increase in loudness or acoustic intensity of musical sounds.

was ist richting

Was ist richtig: German expression that means what is correct? It is applicable to different areas as speaking of logical correctness or validity, of moral correctness or justice, correction citizen or civility and other types.

me amas

I guess it's a question of lovers or friends or any person who is directed to another want it with a fear of not being reciprocated. By my training to me this question reminds me of a biblical passage; that which Christ asks three times to Simon Peter: Simon, son of Jonas, you love me? And Pedro was saddened, says the Evangelist, because it should not be difficult to love a type as well.

no caerá esa breva

Expression made pessimistic and equivalent to " won't happen " indicates little hope speaker that happens something that is desired or that is considered suitable. In its origin seems that it expressed the fear that something happens and the desire which did not happen. " Ille non ficus caduturus " Ligurio Cayo told the Senate, when Hannibal was at the gates of Rome, recalling the omens of the priests of Apollo, saying that Rome would be assailed not while the fig tree of Minerva had some fruit. The fig tree almost leafless still had some fig and Hannibal did not attack. He ran the 216 b.c. in the vicinity of the autumn equinox.


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