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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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By Castilla, the area of land that has some specific feature as you have mushrooms. Thus they speak of stands of mushrooms. There are grasslands which have some beautiful stands of mushrooms.


Pronunciation of the adverb and conjunction Italians allora, then, since then, then, so, so then, so that, in quella occasione, in quel moment, dunque, ebbene, percio, sicchè. E allora cosa facciamo?


Hispanic surname derived from the leafy village of willow place name. It is also an archaeological site of a Roman villa from the 1st century next to Talavera de la Reina in the province of Toledo and the community of Castilla - La Mancha in the vicinity of the river Tagus. Feminine, Sauceda, name of the North of the province of Cáceres, Pinofranqueado hamlet in the region of las Hurdes near Plasencia, who was massacred by the Franco in 1936 for its strength and loyalty to the Republic. The mass graves that are being discovered with bureaucratic difficulties still, ( which rulers have! ) testify to the irrational brutality of the oppressors.

precisión léxica

Pointing in the same direction as Ines Merino, it's expressive accuracy of spoken or written language. And it is true, as says our Ines, that when some express something, make it so well that it is better to remain silent.


Castilianization of the Latin adjective pronoun cuius, singular genitive of quis or qui quae quod or crux, which, that, what or who, term that evolved to whose ( which ) and that in some archaic parts of our peninsula is it still in the bable or Extremadura. Cuyu eris, Babe? Some alistanos even say: do's who sos, rapa? Cervantes also said: in a village of la Mancha, whose name I don't remember.


If there is the term by which anonymous question would be espeleolatria, from the Greek spelaion - ou, cave, here caving or caves or underground cavities of the Earth study.

con la j

At a fair in Guadalajara a lame rifaba pads and other lame rifaba drawers. As to the OCOG of drawers touched you pads and to the OCOG of pads touched her drawers.


Also perhaps discendo: Latin. Masculine or neuter singular ablative of the passive future participle discendus - a - um of disk, learning. Discendo vivimus, we live learning, life is a constant learning, don't let them end the day without having grown up a bit.

san cucufato

Also Cucufate, Cucufat, Cugat in catalan, from the late latin cucufa, hood, hood, Cap, Cap probably carrying a Tunisian monk who evangelized in the 3rd century the Barcelona area of San Cugat del Vallés, martyred and buried in what was from the IX century the Romanesque monastery of Sant Cugat, of great architectural beauty as many others in this area. Spanish popular tradition has become to this Saint as devoted to San Antonio in an antidote for loss of objects with this silly formula and little: San Cucufate, San Cucufate, by the cojones te ato and if I can't find it, you do not untie.


Osmogenesis. Also clariesencia, extrasensory pleasant or unpleasant odor of unknown origin and apparently not spatial perception. In Christianity the hagiographers speak sometimes smell of Holiness when they perceive smells like a rose in relation to living persons or deceased of recognized exemplary. Others also speak of sulfur smell as said the President of Venezuela in September 2006 Hugo Chávez, ( some say that 41 eliminated it; on the rostrum of the general Assembly of United Nations.


Nice Phonics Word. It is a Brazilian city of about 14,000 inhabitants in the State of Bahia in the North-Eastern area, one of the poorest in Brazil.


Ready is the pumpkin, the chola, the head. The Raptors used to say when I was a kid: " Let's fincar the morra in the 34 Bank; and they put the head on the Prairie with feet up and given the somersault. They are now busy with electronic gadgets.

desarrollo sustentable

Also sustainable or enduring. Socio-economic and ecological concept screen of the Burndtland for the 1987 UN report, led by the former Norwegian Gro Harlem Brundtland, originally called Our Common Future, concept defined as that meets current needs without compromising those of future generations and that criticizes the economic development and social type Donald Trump at the expense of the environment. Some differentiate the sustainable, synchronous effective socio-economic-ecological development and the sustainable, efficient diachronic development.

de repetundis

Latinism. Lex de pecuniis repetundis: law on the riches that must be claimed. Roman laws ( lex calpurnia, lex iulia, lex cornelia, lex servilia... ) from the time of the Republic against corruption, proposed by different rulers and approved by the Senate. Its implementation left much to be desired as it is now. If someone was considered guilty because he had little power and influence ( now we say that it would be a robagallinas ) it should return multiplied by three stolen or be banished forever.


It also adze. At mi tierra de Aliste was and is an instrument of special Carpenter because I have seen it here. It consists of a wide sheet of iron terminated in sharp, somewhat curved and almost parallel and assembled cut to short of oak handle, well adapted to the hand. Uses ( ba ) n this tool for grinding and woodworking, deleting edges or knots, sharpening stakes, escascando cut trees or doing other tools for agriculture. I still have some of my father, that I keep as testimony of the artisan past de Aliste.


The measured Fede imi reminds me IMEI international mobile equipment identity, code identity of our mobile gadgets, whose knowledge is very useful in case of loss or theft, for which it is necessary to have it written down. Our pileup will inform us your IMEI by pressing on the keyboard: Asterisk ( * ) pad ( ) 06 pad ( ). Appears on the display that code. Check it out.


Pre-Roman astur tribe of the border area of mi tierra de Aliste after os Montes in Portugal, mentioned by Strabo and Pliny the elder in his natural history with capital in Curunda, city of the road XVII of the itinerary of Antonino between Asturica Augusta and Bracara Augusta, perhaps after Caesara, located, according to some, in Castro de Avelãs about 10 kms of Braganza and that I put in Rabanales , a town of Aliste known for its gastronomy. In the Museum of Berlin retained in bronze plaque the table of the Zoelae, Pact of hospitality between two groups of the zoelae, the desoncos and the tridiavos.


Also Astrakhan and Astrakhan, theatrical sub-genre comic, very popular in Spain in the first third of the 20th century, based on the nonsense, wordplay and nonsense, at the expense even of literary quality and the credibility argument in order to obsessive to make laugh. This subgenus was very cultivated by authors such as Pedro Pérez Fernández and above all Pedro Muñoz Seca, creator of more than 300 works, executed in Paracuellos del Jarama by anarchist and Communist groups in 1936 in one of the episodes more sad and dark of our Republic.

a partir de ahi

Starting from there: also " from here " recurrent adverbial expressions in the audiovisual media in the last year among the pundits and analysts of all kinds, which are becoming the fashion mantra as it was and I'm still " the truth is that ". Of course, that some leave to spread more easily than others. They mean a turning point in the time that disclaims the past of the future when the commentators try to argue or anticipate what is going to happen from a point on any matters.

ser gato

Be cat. In addition to what furoya and other Hispanic colleagues, here, in the madriles, it means to be blooded Madrid; at least of 3 or 4 generations. It seems that you are called so from the time in which the Arab fortress of Magrit was conquered beyond by the 11th century by Castilian soldiers of Alfonso VI. A soldier climbed the wall of the cuesta de la Vega, of more than three meters, to change the Muslim flag by the Christian, with the skill of a cat. We have current witnesses of this wall in the area of the Royal Palace, calle Bailén, main street and the viaduct over the calle Segovia and other places in the neighborhood of la Latina. In this area, at the slope of the Vega, which ran a stream towards the Manzanares River, also there were the shootings of May 3, 1808 ( 41 Goya; and not in the mountain from Príncipe Pío, according to latest research.


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