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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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In Polish, silence


1st and 3rd person singular preterite imperfect indicative form of the verb to prefigure, from the Latin prae-front, before and I suppose, think, imagine, form, represent mentally; therefore anticipate imaginarily or imagine anything ahead of time.


Bidactilo: The term itself is didactilo, from the Greek dyo, two and daktilos, finger. Says of the animals they have two fingers in their extremities as the ostrich ( struthio camelus ). Bidactilo is a term that is also used, although not recognized by the dictionary, changing the prefix di - by bi - from the latin bis, twice.


Feminine plural of fraudulent, the adjective derived from the latin dolus, cunning, deception and fraud; Therefore it means misleading, fraudulent, false, illegal. Action or omission deliberately unlawful and fraudulent, with knowledge or will maliciously mislead, harm or violate an obligation qualifies as a legal term. There are many types of fraud, as the direct in which there are explicit damage will and the eventual where there is awareness of the possibility to do so as an effect of the Act.


The archi-prefix, also arch - Maple - arci-, arz - derived from the Greek verb archo, guide, send, be the first, dominate, take, go ahead and means pre-eminence, superiority, domain. Archi-in front of an adjective meaning very. Popular means so well known. But not all adjectives admit these prefixes that can also function as suffixes in monarchy, anarchy, autarky.

bosque semideciduo

Deciduous and semi-deciduous are technical terms of Botany and other disciplines. Semideciduous derives from the Latin prefix semi - derived in turn from the Greek hemi, half of something and deciduus, derived from the verb adjective decide ( 41 cado; fall, die, succumb. Therefore it means semicaduco, although probably this word nor the dictionary admit us. Botanists qualify so the forests in which half, roughly, of the trees are deciduous and the other half are Evergreen


Hociquirromo: Adjective compound of snout and romo. It is therefore the animals that have flattened, little chamfer, pronounced snout. Sang Lope de Vega in mice Congress: assembled mice / to get rid of the cat; / and after a long time / disputes and opinions, / said they would get right / in putting a rattlesnake, / that walk the cat with him, / RID best could. / left a barbicano mouse, / long-tailed, hociquirromo / and curling the thick loin, / told the Roman Senate, / after awhile talking cult: /-who all has to be / which dares to put / that rattlesnake cat?


Asturian parish of more than 250 inhabitants, located in the Cantabrian coast about 3 km from Llanes. The Asturian pronounced Cue. Here they still dance the pericote, folk dance of two women and a man. Cue is the pronunciation of the Latin enclitic coordinating conjunction - as equivalent to the et, which means " and " also, as in the expression " senatus populusque romanus " ( SPQR ) the Senate and the Roman people.


In Galician or finger furabolos is your index finger, or mostreiro, which designates and also making holes in the Loaf pan before placing it in the oven. Perforabollos, calabollos, picabollos, horadabollos.


Roman city of carpetano origin in the 4th century b. C., discovered by a multidisciplinary team of researchers and archaeologists in 2016 in the town of Driebes ( Guadalajara Spain ) that he was able to have 2,000 people as he had an aqueduct of approximately three kms, Forum, baths and temples in an area of about 12 hectares. In 1945 was discovered here the treasure of Driebes, a batch of gold and silver artefacts from the 3rd century BC, now exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum. Driebes is located about 11 km south of Mondéjar almost in the basin of the Tagus River.


Pintia: ancient city of the vaccaei, village Celtic of pre-Roman Hispania, located, thanks to the research of the Valladolid archaeologist Federico Wattenberg, in the town of Padilla de Duero ( 41 Valladolid; halfway between Penafiel and Aranda de Duero. This archaeological site currently sponsored by the University of Valladolid shows that Pintia ended up being a Roman mansio and a Visigothic city and that, contrary to what was believed before the second half of the 20th century, not located in the province of Valladolid city, reason why to the pucelanos also called les pincianos.

soñar con limpiar frijol

I agree with Juan Eduardo in which there is no scientific dream interpretation and objective. Any interpretation is subjective and relative to school psychological from which is made and even arbitrariness of the person who interprets. One of the interpretations more consistent is the psychoanalysis that not only seeks the meaning of dream content but your emotional relationship with the dreamer. It is not the same dream with esbotar beans in the kitchen of my grandfather in a pleasant situation as esbotar beans with anguish. What is certain is that dreams are expressions of our unconscious, which, in the opinion of the sicoanalistas, dominated by two contrary instincts, creative instinct and the thanatos, libido or destructive instinct.


In our language it is said Adventist for the masculine and the feminine, noun and adjective meaning of Adventism and relative doctrine and Protestant Christian churches originating in the United States come announcing the end of the world since its founding in the 19th century. The term comes from the adventist English and this Latin advenio adveni coletera303 arrive, arrive, come to alluding to the second coming of Christ or parousia announced in the Apocalypse of St. John. Something striking in their beliefs is that they do not support the immortality of the soul or consciousness after death. The wicked will not suffer eternally in hell they will be destroyed, ontologically annihilated.

definition de mathis

Name of male and last name Franco-German, equivalent to Mateo, derived from the Greek Maththaios and East of Aramaic Matatyahu ( gift of Dios ). This nombre-apellido is used in almost all languages with small differences.


CORPES XXI: As I said very well in 2013 our absent friend Pedro, is the Corpus of the Spanish of the 21st century, the 40 ASALE project; Association of academies of the Spanish language ) entrusted to the SAR in the Congress of Medellín in March 2007, presented in the Panama in October 2013 and published in the first instance in December of the same year in online version. In June 2016 has been published version 0.83 containing 237. 678 documents with 225 million forms.

la latina

Del barrio castizo and old Madrid, Magerit to the Castilian conquerors, in the 11th century, a Muslim Watchtower called Magrit ( water underground ) walled between streams on one of the balconies of the Manzanares River. What was Magrit today is the Latina neighborhood bounded, roughly, by the Plaza Mayor, the plaza de Cascorro, trace, the Puerta de Toledo, calle Bailén and the Cathedral of the Almudena, which owes its name to the humanist, preceptora and Adviser of the Catholic monarchs and their children, Beatriz Galindo, " 34 Latin; creative with her husband Francisco Ramírez de Madrid, at the beginning of the 16th century, the Latin along with the current market and Plaza de la Cebada hospital. It is currently the best place in Madrid for ir de Cañas and tapas, and at the same time learn about the historical origins of this beautiful city.

a la virule

To the virule: colloquial adjective and adverbial phrase derived from the French bas-roule ( half rolled up ) referring to the French fashion of the 17TH century men carry stockings folded at the top, which ended up being bad taste, careless people's own custom and some fine; Hence the pejorative meaning of the term: broken, messy, badly, in poor condition. " after the fight was with an eye to the virule. How? To the 34 funerala;. Some give other explanations.


Guachimania: Ecuatorianismo derived from the anglicism huachiman derived in turn from the English word watchman, ( watchman of security, Sentry, vigia, serene ) which means hut of the caretaker, the sentry booth, cockpit from el sereno.


Somewhat disparagingly and with some banter, USA., the United States of America, for people on the left in the second half of the 20th century Europe and also at present. I believe that they also say it in Latin America, where almost never have had much affection to the neighbors to the North and especially after that of " America for Americans ( 41 North; " and it's now " America first ". I can see by the language and the history that Americans have always believed to be entitled not only to be America but to have its domain. We should not allow them that they appropriated the name or anything.

recursos didacticos

Teaching resources: adequate tools for teaching and consequently learn. Greek didasko, teach, instruct, explain. Studying these techniques teaching, one of the pedagogical disciplines, designed to facilitate both the processes of teaching and learning. There is nothing more beautiful to teach.


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