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Spanish Open dictionary by Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Felipe Lorenzo del Río

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As fellow anonymous tells us the expression is written ipso facto and is a Latinism very used by the Latin classic storytellers as clause of ablative absolute, which translates as " done which " " having been made the topic which discussed ". As Latinism is immediacy and means immediately, on the spot, at the same time.


Go: 3rd person plural present subjunctive, also with certain imperative character of the verb go, go somewhere, move. " For the Museum of the Prado, you go for the right side of the Paseo del Prado, which is very shady and fresh, next to the Botanical Garden ".


Interjection and oath Latin equal to epol and pol, syncopations of aedepol and this of aedepollucis, by the Temple of Pollux!. Others consider them syncopation of medepol and East of medepollux ( in which " I " would be pronoun and " of " an euphony ) to me Pollux!, by Pollux!, help me Pollux!. These oaths, on Pollux were used by the men in front of women. They used ecastor! of aedecastor! or medecastor!, by Beaver!, that Beaver attend me!. In Greek mythology, Castor and Pollux were the dioscurs, sons of Zeus and Leda, wife of the Spartan king Tyndareus.


Interjection Latin used in the theatre by authors such as Plautus and Terence to express or emphasize strong emotions or to make the truth of something. It is a syncopation of mehercle and East of mehercule and East of mehercules which means by Hercules!, Hercules help me!, such vote!, vote Jingo!, certainly, caguen ten!

cuentos chinos

Plural of fairy tale, lie concealed, trola, lie, milonga trying to go unnoticed with little success. Perhaps the expression has to do with Marco Polo journeys through the Silk Road; experiences in the book of the wonders ( Il milione in Italian ) of the century XIV, some relating to China and the Mongolian difficult of believe for them European of the time. " I do not come with this fairy tale ".

sacar de las casillas

Remove someone from their boxes. Made an expression that means making him lose patience, irritate it, goats with some impertinence, out of frame. Seems that the expression has its origin in some played of the backgammon, also called backgammon or tables real, game millennial to which were very amateur them people of high Crest, noble, Kings and rulers; game made in a Board with many boxes, as the of the chess or the ladies.


Maricomplejin: Word composed of queer and complejin, diminutive of complex, neologism not admitted e invented makes some years by any journalist of the extreme right Spanish with a studied ambiguity semantic for insult to which now is our President of Government when still was in the opposition. You gave the meaning of cowardly, that not is dared to face is to those problems political with the energy that demanded the extreme right. Curiously this journalist was working in the Church Media chain and thus spent years without any problem. I think still goes in waves.


3rd person singular of the present indicative and 2nd singular of the imperative of the verb marrar which means fail, err, err, pifiar it. In ready, area perfectly, is used as noun with two meanings: 1. Maza heavy of iron with handle of wood for hit them wedges of iron that rajan it wood or them blocks of stone or slate of them quarries of the river ready to build them houses. Also called marra to the Cairn of stone that separates them terms of those peoples as an imaginary border in them roads.


In lunfardo, mate. I think that I have already commented once that asturleoneses many alistanos emigrated in the early 20TH century to America. I remember that some had a very funny Argentine screw. My grandfather was in Cuba. Others said that they had been in the North. One of them, ti Cyril, taught me the numbers in English. The ti Dionisio, that had State in the Pampa, remember that not was very friend of go to the Church, but was a person very friendly and funny. Commenting on sometimes the issues religious used to say: the pucha!, because killed to one, many live well!


Anglicism in internet, not recognized by the dictionary, derived from the verb to lurk meaning walking or be hidden, be on the lookout. Lurquear is participating passively in the forums of internet only looking without intervening more actively. The lurkers are silent observers.


Of our language suffixes attributives are varied, and - ata,-eta - ita, - ota,-eno,-ena,-ino, INA, - it, - UT,-in,-i,-enca,-enco,-to,-ol,-ola - ense and many others. The use of the people ends by give you the form appropriate. And is certain that the name of places finished in that is or -is usually form their gentilicio in-ense, although not necessarily. Examples, Hispalis, Seville, Móstoles, mostolense, Perales, peralense, Madrid, matritense, Ávila, Ávila, Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires and Machiques, machiquense. I see by internet that in this area of our Venezuela, so warped by the right Spanish, Yes is used this gentilicio. Jorge Luis, a greeting to all Americans and to all the companions of the dictionary. I have a good holiday season.


Word of the slang language meaning woman. Lunfardo is a slang originated and developed in the second half of the 19TH century in Buenos Aires, Rosario and Montevideo, places of European immigration, mostly Italian and Spanish. Initially considered prison language and thieves installed classes; After language neighborhood and working-class who tries to survive, the language of tango, which has always, behind his restless joy, a sad air, as life itself.


Cayetano, as says Jorge Luis. In Spain is a name own that in century last was relatively frequent, derived of the latin gaetanus, born in Gaeta, population Italian in which, according to the Aeneid of Virgil, died and was buried Caieta, nurse of Aeneas, the hero Trojan that after the destruction of the city, emigrated to West arriving to the straight Italian and whose descendants founded the city of Rome. The Festival of San Cayetano de Madrid held in early August in the neighborhood of the trace of the downtown district. They are very traditional and popular.


In ready is it ball small, blackish and hard of the droppings of them small ruminant as sheep, goats and deer and others small herbivorous as them rabbits or the Hare.


Blocks: in the asturleones alistano is a good trunk of wood, preferably of oak or oak, cracked with wedges of iron to hits of maza, to heat them kitchens during the cold nights of winter. " I remember a good blocks to the fire, chestnut roaster, pitcher of wine that did not stop and the cheerful stories. Still on some occasions these memories come true ".


In addition to the 1st person plural of the present of indicative of the verb talk is used as interjection of farewell with the meaning of will be in contact by phone u other half technical. " Well, until you see more, we speak! "


Also gibelurdina or cracking, Basque name of the edible rusulas and not pungent flavor, meat crisp and white mushrooms. The favorite are two, the russula cyanoxantha or coal, urretxa, rusula of them pigs, of hat bluish greenish and the russula virescens, of color greenish, also called mushroom of cure or hat green. Not collect it in the phase of egg when the mushroom still not is has defined, by the possibility of confusion with the amanita phalloides, mushroom that killed to the Emperor Roman Claudio and to Carlos VI of Habsburg, between others.

adivina adivinanza

Words of wit. Eg: I come and go. Go and come and in the way I entertain myself. ¿..? The p-.


Novel of the writer Spanish and prize nobel Camilo Jose Cela and Trulock, good writer and bad person. The Catira was commissioned by the Venezuelan dictator Marcos Pérez Jiménez, paid 3 million pesetas of the 1950s, to internationally promote the Venezuelan dictatorship and step sell culturally Franco. In the Catira, Pipía Sanchez, a woman haughty, projected Cela a false language and ethnicity llanera.


Equilicua. Adverb colloquial of mode equivalent to exactly, so is, that is, that indicates assent and compliance. Derived from the Italian eccolo qua, in plural eccoli qua, here is, here are or helo, they are here and these of the latin ecce hac, ecce hic, eccum hac, eccum hic: I have here.


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